conditional formatting

Posted by Matt Frost on July 12, 1999 5:41 PM

Can anyone give me a good example ( not like the excel help one) that
will explain where you could use the "formula is" option in
regards to conditional formatting.


Posted by Peter Glass on September 15, 1999 5:47 PM


I used this function recently. I have 12 columns of figures (Starting Column B), for the 12 months of the year. In row A, the columns are numbered 1 to 12. If the months were in the future, I wanted to paint them yellow. The number of the current month was in cell A1. So in all the cells I wanted painted, I used "Conditional Formatting" - "Formula Is" then "=b$1>$A$1". Copy this to all the cells. Therefore, if the figure in A1 is the last completed month, all the future months become yellow.