Protecting all but a few cells...

Posted by Ade Webb on February 28, 2001 2:34 PM

I have a timesheet spreadsheet and only want to allow staff to change the cells where they input the hours. Any ideas? Is it VBA or is there some way of protecting portions of a sheet?



Posted by George on February 28, 2001 3:19 PM

You should be able to do this using the cell formats
and worksheet protection

Select the entire range of your data.

Select Format: Cells: Protection and check the locked box
Then select only the cells you want them to be able
to enter data in (use the same process but uncheck the
protection box).
Go to tools: Protection: Protect sheet (or workbook) and
type in a password **write it down somewhere**.

And that will let them enter data only in the few cells
you want.