
Posted by brad davis on February 13, 2002 2:06 PM

I'm trying to dynamically create the Array(1,2,...) for the TotalList arg of the Subtotal method such that:

ListOfValues = "1,2,3"

Selection.Subtotal 1, xlSum, Array(ListOfValues), True, False, True

but it fails when I run it. Error 1004 "Subtotal method of Range class failed" error

Help please

If I hard code the TotalList arg as

TotalList:=Array(1,2,3) it works.

Anyone know a workaround?

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on February 13, 2002 4:32 PM

If you're using Excel 2000 or later you could use

ListOfValues = "1,2,3"
ArrayListOfValues = Split(ListOfValues,",")

Juan Pablo G.

Posted by Russell Hauf on February 13, 2002 4:40 PM

Sure. Declare an array and fill it's values. But you will also need to dynamically size the array, unless it's always going to have the same number of values. For example:

Dim aintList() as Integer
Dim intCount as Integer

intCount = 1

' ... your code

' now you want to define the values

aintList(1 to intCount) = MyValue
intCount = intCount + 1

' if you want to add another value:

ReDim Preserve aintList(1 to intCount)
aintList(intCount) = MyNextValue
intCount = intCount + 1

' etc. - you could also do this in a loop...

Selection.Subtotal, yada, yada, TotalList:=aintList


Get the picture? If you are always going to have 3 values in your TotalList array, you can just define your array like this:

Dim aintList(1 to 3) as Integer

and then assign values to the 1,2, and 3 positions in the array.

Hope this helps,
