
  1. M

    VBA: Checking if a row exists with exact data in multiple columns

    I'm trying to write some VBA code that will tell me if a row containing exact data exists. The table (Table1) is formatted as a table with headers, and has 20 columns; the first three columns are what I am concerned with right now. - Some projects will have multiple associated sites - Some...
  2. E

    Lookup specific values that occur in sequence

    In a data set, I'm trying to identify a way to lookup the first instance of a transaction type and its corresponding date and the first instance of a second transaction type (and corresponding date) that occurs after the first transaction type. In the enclosed example (click on image), in the...
  3. A

    IF Statement with multiple or conditions

    Hi There! I am trying to write a formula that allows me to place a dash before the last character in a cell text if it is an A,B,C etc. For example, if I have a sku that reads JH004A and I would like a formula that will populate another cell with JH004-A. IF it doesn't contain A,B,C etc. I want...
  4. B

    Conditional formatting the number format of a chart

    Hi all, I'm trying to find a solution for a chart in PowerPoint, but I assume that if there's a way to do it in Excel it would also be applicable to my query. I'm trying to achieve the following. I have a column chart and I want to force it to show only the values <3% with 1 decimal place, and...
  5. H

    Replace cells in column B based on column A

    I feel like this is a basic question but can't figure out how to automate it with a macro. Example of what I'm trying to do: Column A has Cities and Column B has the time zone. I need to replace the time zone based on the city to the state it belongs in. I know how to set it up the slow way of...
  6. L

    How to populate the unit # based on the last max number in a range in excel?

    I tried creating a table to aid a manufacturing process. Where technicians perform some test and record the results. One of the column (unit #) auto populates based on other column entries of the table. The unit # column helps keep track since a technician is supposed to test 14 units in a...
  7. brendalpzm

    Change activeX combo box values depending on cell value

    Hello everyone~ I have a problem with a task that I'm not sure how to do it. I have an excel file where I make quotations and it brings a total quotation at the end. According to that quotation result I have an ActiveX combo box that should bring a specific range of values, for example...
  8. N

    Conditional Formatting - Extend 2-color Gradient to Adjacent Columns

    I would appreciate help with extending a 2-color gradient that is based on a percentage column to the adjacent columns. Attached is an example. The actual spreadsheet has many more rows so it's not practical to do manually. Thank you.
  9. 9

    Conditional Formatting Leaving Borders Behind

    Hi, I'm using conditional formatting and for all of the ones I have used (equal to and contains) when i removed the text it leaves behind a half border like so: It stays there unless I go into the formula line and press enter. I would like it if it doesn't do that. Does anyone have any tips...
  10. J

    How do I edit rows based on criteria from an different table.

    I am working on a VBA code to do a couple things. The first is to add a new row and add the information I put into a seperate list. I want it to do this unless the Case Number and the Charge is the same. If those two things are the same then I want to fill in the rest of that row with that...
  11. M

    Conditional rounding between parameters

    Hi, I'm very new to Excel and need some help (with a maybe very basic function). I need to create a system that choose between two parameters to round up or down the number depending on a condition. This is for scoring students with a decimal system, so I need to round the final score. What I...
  12. M

    Excel IF Formula & Remove Substring

    Hello, Could someone please help me with the IF statement in column Q? The formula should be If Column J is "Y" then remove substring "HM" from column P. The formula I'm trying is also deleting everything after the substring and if the substring doesn't exist then it's giving me #VALUE...
  13. Y

    Look up value and Return value of most recent date

    SKU STORE A A DATE STORE B B DATE 71011 1.87 2/21/21 1.69 10/7/21 71115 1.07 3/22/22 NA X FPF3 NA X 1.78 3/22/22 650876 6.34 9/21/21 6.08 10/8/21 503EZ NA X 9.00 3/22/22 72014 3.60 2/22/22 NA X 98823 NA X 5.05 2/21/22 PROBLEM: look up SKU and...
  14. T

    Cutting and Pasting individual cells that meet criteria to same row of different column

    I'm a n00b and I've been searching the forums and the closest thing I can find to my problem was addressed here: Simple Macro to cut and paste based on cell value I'm trying to have any cells in column M that are greater than 0 be cut and paste into a column 3 columns to the right of the...
  15. L

    Highlight 3 duplicates occurring within 3 days time

    I'm looking for a best way, most likely via Conditional Formatting, to highlight 3 reoccurring from B within 3 days time frame from A I've managed so far to get 3 reoccurring but for just 1 day So, all those 4 rows with PC should be highlighted, not just 3 of them Hope you can help
  16. S

    Filtering based on a dropdown list in Power Query

    Hello, I am using Power Query to pull multiple data sets into a single workbook. I have a table within that workbook that contains a dropdown. What is selected in that dropdown determines how the data pulled in by Power Query gets filtered. See attached for further explanation. It works...
  17. S

    Possibly an =IF statement??

    Hi, I am hoping someone could assist me please. I am helping someone with a spreadsheet and they are wanting to flag dates at various stages. Essentially they are looking for two queries; - When 10 business days have passed column P (Closing date), column W (Selection Report finalised) will...
  18. F

    Help with Conditional Formatting

    Hey guys. I've attached a portion of a spreadsheet I'm hoping to get help on. In cell E6 I would enter the time a particular incident was created. I'm looking to use conditional formatting to turn that cell red if the incident runs longer than 9 hours. Cell A3 has the =NOW() formula in it...
  19. A

    Move rows when condition met

    Hi Gurus, I have been lurking for a few days trying to find a solution but nothing quite fits, so I am hopeful some bright spark will share their knowledge with me. I have a spreadsheet that is gathering data every day (31 sheets - one for each day of the month). At the end of the day I (or a...
  20. W

    Printing multiple worksheets with VBA based on Condition

    Good morning, I'm trying to figure out how to create a macro/button to print 2 worksheets, out of the several worksheets that exist in my workbook, but printing them under some conditions; 1. If cell S19=TRUE, and If cell P13=TRUE, then print 3 pages of each both worksheets. 2. If cell...

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