
  1. P

    Inserting carriage returns into text strings of varying lengths

    Hello - We are working on a CRM data migration project and I would like to insert a carriage return to create separate rows from a text string in excel. The export from the old CRM did not maintain the format of our notes, and instead can only export into a continuous text string. I would like...
  2. D

    Excel user defined function working on Windows, but does not work on a Mac

    From another thread, a MVP offered a solution which gives you UTC time in a cell. A user defined function similar but different than now() It works flawlessly on my windows workstation, but presents a value error on my Apple Mac Workbook. Microsoft learn has not revealed why or how to fix it...
  3. Saher Naji

    VBA Code Issue on Mac Platform (working perfectly on Windows)

    Hi there, What could be causing the VBA code to malfunction on Mac? Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range, cell As Range Dim lastRow As Long, lastID As String Dim initialPrefix As String, newRowDetected As Boolean Dim existingIDs As Object...
  4. M

    I made a UserForm for Windows. How do I go about making it work for Mac?

    I built a UserForm on Windows, and for Windows, but with the intention of it ultimately working for Mac. I can't find many resources on developing UserForms for Mac, so I'm hoping I could get some suggestions as to how I could build a working Mac version. Here is a link to my Worksheet...
  5. R

    Run-time error 6: Overflow on a Mac but not on Windows

    I've written a macro that begins by asking the user a yes/no question (see below). I have no problem running it on my Windows machine, but my boss is on a Mac and receives a Run-time error 6: Overflow error message. When he debugs, it points him to the If AnswerYes = vbYes Then line. The error...
  6. J

    Save as PDF Macro working for Windows but not MAC OS

    I am new to VBA and have found several solutions to creating a form control button that works on Windows OS. currently, it is able to work on my personal PC as well as co-workers using Windows OS. Where I have run into trouble is getting this to work for co-workers using a Mac device. Any help...
  7. MarkSELA

    Trouble deleting only freeform shapes in excel chart using VBA and not the chart.

    With help from I've put together a sub which shades under two excel scatter plots using freeform shapes and filling the shapes. The sub then copies the chart and the 2 associated shapes to be used in a word document. I would the sub to delete the shapes and leave the chart so that...
  8. Ruddles

    Read current audio volume setting

    Hi Everyone, I know how to change the audio volume level setting using VBA by sending the VK_VOLUME_UP and VK_VOLUME_DOWN codes to the virtual keyboard, but my code also needs to know what the actual level is. I've been trying to persuade The Google to tell me but haven't even got as far as...
  9. D

    Excel Table : moving a column messes up with the width of other columns

    - OS : MacOS and Windows (tested on both) - Excel version : 16.64 - Issue When I do SHIFT + drag & drop a column within an Excel Table (it's NOT a Pivot Table, it's a normal Table), it will mess up with the column widths. It doesn't behave like this when it's not a Table. - Screenshots of...
  10. S

    Is Excel safer on ... MacOS or MS Windows???

    Hello, For Excel files - what operating system is best to use between Windows and iOS?? Which system uses the best software/ application to detect viruses better? With all of the online tools available with downloads for excel templates / word templates etc. - how do I know what is actually...
  11. E

    Excel formula to return value based on certain criteria

    Hello, I am using excel 2016 and trying to create ta formula that will return a certain value based on multiple criteria. I have set out the logic below but everything I try doesn’t work :mad: if(and(a1=“Green”,a2<>”-“),”Good”,”Bad” if(and(a1=“Amber”,a2<>”-“),”Good”,”Bad” if(and(a1=“Red”,a2...
  12. A

    Largest Value based on Multiple criteria

    Hi there, I'm working with a data sheet and am trying to get the Nth largest value in a specific column based on multiple criteria. My single criteria formula works fine, this is it: ={LARGE(IF('Sheet1'!C:C=3,ABS('Sheet1'!W:W),""),1)} However, I run into the #VALUE! error once I add another...
  13. J

    buscando un programa de copia de seguridad / copia

    estamos a punto de migrar nuestro servidor de Windows 2012 a otro servidor de Windows 2016, luego necesitamos copiar solo los datos cambiados diariamente del servidor de 2012 al servidor de 2016 ... por lo que estamos buscando una herramienta confiable que haya sido probada por otros. mi colega...
  14. T

    Copying Files with Certain Names from a List

    I have a folder with many pictures named as number.jpg (ex: 100152.jpg, 100153.jpg). I don't want to copy everything in this folder— only the files with the exact name as the names in a txt file that I have created. I am using this in the prompt. However, all pictures from SourceFolder are...
  15. Larry Haydn

    Can Excel VBA Windows run on Mac and vice versa?

    I have lots of Excel VBA applications developed on PC for the Windows platform (over the past 20 years). I have lots of trouble recently after Windows update - system very very unstable. I am thinking of ditching the Windows completely, and move all my development to iMac. Question: 1. Can...
  16. I

    How to use Windows regional date format in Excel vba

    Dear all, I have made a vba macro code to get date from Excel cells in a special format to be used for follow up. ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=TEXT(RC[1],""ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD"")" ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=TEXT(RC[1],""YYYY-MM-DD"")" In Sweden, Windows regional date format is ÅÅÅÅ-MM-DD. The letter Å...
  17. A

    Control handle in SAP with VBA

    In our SAP system, we have a mass attack tool. There is one point at which my VBA cannot control the SAPgui anymore, it's when the "Select Files:" window appears (see screenshot). Yesterday I got a solution on how to find this window from a good man here in the Forum. The macro gave me all the...
  18. C

    Strange Windows error that only affect my Excel files

    I'm on Windows 10. When I'm working in Excel occasionally my screen starts flashing for about 1 minute (no pattern to when or why it happens ... it just randomly starts). During this time I can't click into any Excel cells or do anything in Excel. The other applications on my computer work fine...
  19. L

    excel macro file as windows associated program

    Hi All, I got to this forum after wondering the net for a solution to my problem, it's a little bit complex, I'll try to simplify it. I'd like to open specific ext. files (.SCF) on my windows system with specific excel file located in specific path on my pc (let's say C:\TEMP\SCFParser.xlsm)...
  20. K

    Excel VBA: WebBrowser Control Is Not Working In Windows 10

    Hi, I have a webbrowser control in a form, where a html files contents shows in it, it is working fine in windows 7, but I don't know it is not working in Windows 10. Code Not Working:- below code fires on click event of a button If Sheet1.CheckBoxes("chkMailBody").Value = 1 Then...

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