Data Entry Tool


New Member
Feb 1, 2019
I am an Excel novice, but I need to complete this little tool ASAP, I’ve donesome research but realized very quickly I was either getting wrong or halfanswers. I’m hoping that the folks here can read the description of whatI want and lay out what I will need to complete it, if I can just get the nameof the avenues I should pursue it would help me greatly. I’m not afraidto put the work in to learn, I would just like to limit the scope to just whatI need to finish this project if I can. I am willing to branch out intoany area required to finish this tool, just lay out what you think the bestpath would be, I will take it from there. Thank you in advance for anyhelp given, it is much appreciated. <o:p></o:p>
I have a large amount of data that needs to be entered manually, the tool Ineed seems simple, but I barely have a rudimentary understanding of Excel sonot even knowing terms has made it difficult to figure out on my own. Ineed 5 entry boxes (maybe more maybe less) with this functionality. Theuser will select the box, once a character is entered into the field anautocomplete feature will go into effect, as the user adds characters the entrybox should narrow the autocomplete finding all appropriate previous entries. <o:p></o:p>
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Empathy Example Example<o:p></o:p>
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Example Extra<o:p></o:p>
Once each entry boxis complete to the user’s satisfaction, they hit a SUBMIT button which createsa database record. I also need to be able to sort the databaseindividually by each column. <o:p></o:p>
Well, that’s what I need, now that I’ve written it out it seems oh so simple,but I have been stumped at every turn trying to get exactly what I need. Please, no matter how complicated the answer feel free to let it fly. Iwill abandon Excel if it’s the only way to complete this task. Again,thank you to anyone who took the time to read or respond to thisquestion.

*** For the time being this tool will stay in Excel but eventually I wouldlike to use it in a web format so the ability to be converted to thisapplication would be excellent.<o:p></o:p>

Excel Facts

Control Word Wrap
Press Alt+Enter to move to a new row in a cell. Lets you control where the words wrap.
It sounds like you have described an Excel worksheet.

Put your headers in the first row of a worksheet.
As you type, Excel's autocomplete will look at the other entries in that column and offer suggestions.

As for filtering, AutoFilter is the built in feature of Excel that you want.
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