Data Validation and Current Time


New Member
Jun 2, 2015
I am creating a spreadsheet for users to punch in an out after they have completed a task. I need to ensure that these entries are honest. Is there a formula I can use that will ensure a user can only enter the current time in a given cell?

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when you say punch, how will that operate, whats your concept and limitations
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The users will need to insert the current time into a given field. They know they should be using the shortcut (ctrl+shift+;). I want to make sure that the user can not manually enter a non-current time.
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you could put this in
Sub stamper()
On Error Resume Next
Dim LR As Long
Dim lastrow
LR = Sheets("Track").Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Sheets("Track").Range("A" & LR) = Now()
Sheets("Track").Range("B" & LR) = Environ("USERNAME ")
End Sub
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I would like to enter a simple formula in the Time tab in the data validation screen. I can do this with a date by entering =TODAY() but it will not let me do it with =NOW()-TRUNC(NOW()).
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In the Data Validation criteria, select Allow Time Data that is equal to =TIME(HOUR(NOW()),MINUTE(NOW()),SECOND(0))

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