drop down list


Board Regular
May 24, 2012

1.How do i add a Drop Down List to all cells (C:10 - T:65) in Sheet 1 ?
2.Is it possible to have a Tick symbol and a Cross symbol in all the Drop Down Lists ( C:10 - T:65) ?

Thank you


Excel Facts

Copy formula down without changing references
If you have =SUM(F2:F49) in F50; type Alt+' in F51 to copy =SUM(F2:F49) to F51, leaving the formula in edit mode. Change SUM to COUNT.

The function of excel you're wanting to use is called 'data validation'. I use excel 2003 so expect you're using a newer version I'm not familiar with so I can't give you the step by step.

1. In two spare cells insert the characters you want to appear in the dropdown (a tick and an x in this case)
2. Select the range of cells where you want the dropdown to appear
3. Apply data validation rules to these cells (do a search for 'data validation') to find out the exact buttons to press on the ribbon. Alternatively use the following keyboard shortcut (Press Ctrl then D then L).
4. The type of validation you want is 'list'
5. When you choose list, you will be prompted to select the cells where the characters you want in the dropdown are located (from step 1).
6. You should be good to go
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Thanks bstory84

I have not get Excel 2003 in front of me at the moment but this looks like a excellent link....is it suitable for Excel 2003 ?


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Yes the link is examples out of excel 2003.
Read JamiBoss post it also has a quick explanation on your exact problem.
The link is merely for additional information on data validation.
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Hi Jamieboss and bstory84

Thank you....i want to use this for Excel 2003....i should get a chance shortly so i will try your steps

Thanks again

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I added the Tick to the Drop Down List and when it is all set up i then select the Tick from the Drop Down Box but it displays a "P" in the cell....does it not accept a Tick


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I have no experience with ticks and excel but I'd suggest doing a google search for 'excel tick'. If that doesn't work perhaps do a number 1 or an x?
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If you take 2 cells and change font to ARIAL UNICODE MS then in 1st cell go to INSERT / SYMBOL then change font to ARIAL UNICODE MS and subsets DINGBATS choose your symbol or character code 2714 and insert then go to next cell and INSERT / SYMBOL then code 2715 and insert
now create you drop down with data validation using these 2 cells as your range
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forgot to mention you must change the cells your drop down is in to
Arial Unicode MS
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