Load multiple data tables into arrays and using vlookup on the arrays for speed improvement


Active Member
Jun 30, 2018
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I have a couple of hundred rows that I want to vlookup and I have over 100 data tabels, when I change a combobox a couple of thousand formulas recalculate.

And it takes a couple of seconds to recalculate and I am looking at ways to increase speed.

Will it be faster do load every data table into an array and then using vlookup or vlookup/match on those arrays?

Are there any negative things with loading 100+ tables into arrays? Is there something I am missing?

Excel Facts

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Select range. Press Ctrl+1. On Number tab, choose Custom. Type Alt+7 then space then @ sign (using 7 on numeric keypad)
I have a table with 10 columns and with 300 rows, how would I load the table into an array and then comparing the 9 columns in batches of 3?

I want to test if metric1 2019 is higher or lower then metric1 2018 and if metrci1 2018 is higher or lower then metric1 2017.


Column1 has Country

Column2 has Metric1 2017
Column3 has Metric1 2018
Column4 has Metric1 2019

Column5 has Metric2 2017
Column6 has Metric2 2018
Column7 has Metric2 2019

Column8 has Metric3 2017
Column9 has Metric3 2018
Column10 has Metric3 2019

Dim myarray As Variant

myarray = Sheet4.ListObjects("Data").DataBodyRange.Value
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It would be very kind of someone could give me a hint on where I should start with this coding problem?
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Cross posted https://www.excelforum.com/excel-pr...use-array-declared-in-vba-in-spreadsheet.html

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I am loading two tables into arrays and given them a name with the name manager and I can VLOOKUP them.


However, I want to use VLOOKUP and MATCH?

Sub testarray()
'arrVal = Sheet4.ListObjects("Table2").DataBodyRange.Value
arrVal = Sheet4.ListObjects("Table2").Range.Value

Names.Add Name:="arrVal", RefersTo:=arrVal, Visible:=True
End Sub

I have tried with both DataBodyRange and Range.

How can I use VLOOKUP and MATCH on my array? Or INDEX and MATCH?

Seems like I can use HeaderRowRange.Value ?
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I created a second array with the headerrowrange in it and used that array in the match function! :)
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