Straight away i am going to the problem.
I have three excel workbooks (Trans, Work and Missing).
'Trans' workbook contains English text ant its equivalent French translation. Work contains the some blah blah stories in each cell of column I,J and K. In the cells of 'work' workbook, some text will be given with in double quotes (" ") (Ex: A2= Some text "goes here" for test). Note that the whole text of a cell are not given within double quotes.
Now i want to find the French translation for the text within the quotes on 'work' workbook from 'Trans' workbook by comparing the text with each and every cell of 'Trans'. And if the translation is found then the translation equivalent text should be appended (suffixed with a '/') to the double quoted text. (Ex: A2= Some text "goes here/va ici " for test ).
And if the translation is not found the particular text from 'Work' work book should be bold formatted in 'Work' and copied to the 'Missing' workbook.
Am expecting Excel Macro for this. Kindly help me in this. Am using Excel 2003.
Thanks in advance!
Straight away i am going to the problem.
I have three excel workbooks (Trans, Work and Missing).
'Trans' workbook contains English text ant its equivalent French translation. Work contains the some blah blah stories in each cell of column I,J and K. In the cells of 'work' workbook, some text will be given with in double quotes (" ") (Ex: A2= Some text "goes here" for test). Note that the whole text of a cell are not given within double quotes.
Now i want to find the French translation for the text within the quotes on 'work' workbook from 'Trans' workbook by comparing the text with each and every cell of 'Trans'. And if the translation is found then the translation equivalent text should be appended (suffixed with a '/') to the double quoted text. (Ex: A2= Some text "goes here/va ici " for test ).
And if the translation is not found the particular text from 'Work' work book should be bold formatted in 'Work' and copied to the 'Missing' workbook.
Am expecting Excel Macro for this. Kindly help me in this. Am using Excel 2003.
Thanks in advance!