Regular Expression to find last names & firstname


Board Regular
Mar 18, 2009

I try, by means of regular expressions, to write a function allowing me to extract from a string of characters either last names (all capitalized) or first names (up to 3, as in France for example) all starting with a capital letter followed by lower case letters. Vocal accents will be taken into account (I am not Anglo-Saxon).
My function works almost well. Indeed, when there are 3 first names the third is added to the last name.
Option Explicit
Dim regEx As Object 'memorization to save time in creating the object ("VBScript.RegExp") 'job75

Function DissectNP(NP As String, x As Byte) As String
'- NP : the string containing the NAME(s) + first name(s)
'- x : if x = 1 --> NAME(s)
'      if x = 2 --> first name(s)

Dim strPattern As String, NBNomsMaj As Integer, NBNomsFirstMaj As Integer
Dim PatternNoms As String, PatternPreNoms As String
    Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

    NBNomsMaj = NB_MotsMmFirstM(NP, 1) 'number of names in CAPITALS
    NBNomsFirstMaj = NB_MotsMmFirstM(NP, 3) 'number of names beginning with a CAPITAL followed by lowercase
    PatternNoms = "([A-ZÈÉÊËÄÇÆŒÁÍÓÚÂÊÎÔÛÑÄËÏÜ\-]*\s)" 'pattern of NAMES
    PatternPreNoms = "([a-zçæéèíóúâêîôûäëïöüñA-ZÈÉÊËÄÇÆŒÁÍÓÚÂÊÎÔÛÄËÏÜÑ\-]*)" 'pattern of last names
    'PatternPreNoms = "([a-zçæéèíóúâêîôûäëïöüñA-ZÈÉÊËÄÇÆŒÁÍÓÚÂÊÎÔÛÄËÏÜÑ\-]*\s)" 'do not work!!
    'strPattern = Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept(PatternNoms, NBNomsMaj) & PatternPreNoms & "( )" & PatternPreNoms
    strPattern = Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept(PatternNoms, NBNomsMaj) & PatternPreNoms & IIf(NBNomsFirstMaj = 1, "", "( )" & PatternPreNoms)
    'strPattern = Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept(PatternNoms, NBNomsMaj) & Application.WorksheetFunction.Rept(PatternPreNoms, NBNomsFirstMaj) 'do not work!
    'If strPattern <> "" Then 'is it really useful?
        With regEx
            .Global = True
            .MultiLine = True
            .IgnoreCase = False
            .Pattern = strPattern
        End With

        If regEx.Test(NP) Then
            Select Case x
                Case 1 'NAMES
                    Select Case NBNomsMaj
                        Case 1
                            DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$1")
                        Case 2
                            DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$1" & "$2")
                        Case 3
                            DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$1" & "$2" & "$3")
                    End Select
                Case 2 'last names
                    DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$" & NBNomsMaj + 1 & IIf(NBNomsFirstMaj = 1, "", "$" & NBNomsMaj + 2 & "$" & NBNomsMaj + 3)) 'bricolage...
            End Select
            DissectNP = "Not matched"
        End If
    'End If
End Function

Function NB_MotsMmFirstM(phrase As String, x As Byte) As Integer
'Returns the number of words, in UPPERCASE or lowercase or starting with a UPPERCASE followed by lowercase, of a sentence
'- phrase : the string of characters studied
'- x : if x = 1 --> words in CAPITALS
'      if x = 2 --> words in lowercases
'      if x = 3 --> words starting with a CAPITAL followed by lowercases

Dim tmp, nbmots As Integer, mot() As String, i As Integer, lemot As String, n As Byte, nbmm As Integer

    tmp = Split(phrase, " ")
    nbmots = UBound(tmp) + 1 'total number of words (whatever they are) in the sentence
    mot = Split(phrase)
    For i = 1 To nbmots
        lemot = mot(i - 1) 'Option Base 0
        Select Case x
            Case 1 'words in CAPITALS
                n = IIf(UCase(lemot) = lemot, 1, 0)
            Case 2 'words in lowercases
                n = IIf(LCase(lemot) = lemot, 1, 0)
            Case 3 'words starting with a CAPITAL followed by lowercases
                n = IIf(Left(lemot, 1) = UCase(Left(lemot, 1)) And Mid(lemot, 2, 1) = LCase(Mid(lemot, 2, 1)), 1, 0)
        End Select
        nbmm = nbmm + n
    NB_MotsMmFirstM = nbmm
End Function

Thank you for helping me solve this problem.
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Excel Facts

Difference between two dates
Secret function! Use =DATEDIF(A2,B2,"Y")&" years"&=DATEDIF(A2,B2,"YM")&" months"&=DATEDIF(A2,B2,"MD")&" days"

I think you'd get better answers if you gave us some of your data - examples of where the code was working, where it wasn't etc, rather than just the code...
Upvote 0
Hello PaddyD,

Unfortunately I can not attach my Excel sheet.
The function works in almost all cases, except one, when there are 3 first names.
Let's take an example where the function does not work:
"CARRERA Mónica Pitaluga Diabólica"
I get for the name: "CARRERA Diabólica"
with 2 spaces between CARRERA and Diabólica, whereas there should be only CARRERA.
I get for the first names: "Mónica Pitaluga Diabólica" (it's OK).
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Yes, I get it!

Last names can be any length (compound last names).
The number of first names is unlimited.
Option Explicit
Dim regEx As Object 'memorization to save time in creating the object ("VBScript.RegExp") 'job75

Function DissectNP(NP As String, x As Byte) As String
'- NP : the string containing the NAME(s) + first name(s)
'- x : if x = 1 --> LAST NAME(s)
'      if x = 2 --> first name(s)

Dim strPattern As String, LongueurNBNomsMaj As Integer, LongueurNBNomsFirstMaj As Integer
Dim PatternNoms As String, PatternPreNoms As String
    Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

    LongueurNBNomsMaj = NB_MotsMmFirstM(NP, 1, 2) 'number of names in CAPITALS
    LongueurNBNomsFirstMaj = NB_MotsMmFirstM(NP, 3, 2) 'number of names beginning with a CAPITAL followed by lowercase
    PatternNoms = "([A-ZÈÉÊËÄÇÆŒÁÍÓÚÂÊÎÔÛÄËÏÜÑ\-\s]{" & LongueurNBNomsMaj + 1 & "})" 'pattern of NAMES
    PatternPreNoms = "([a-zçæéèíóúâêîôûäëïöüñA-ZÈÉÊËÄÇÆŒÁÍÓÚÂÊÎÔÛÄËÏÜÑ\-\s]{" & LongueurNBNomsFirstMaj & "})" 'pattern of last names
    strPattern = PatternNoms & PatternPreNoms
    With regEx
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Pattern = strPattern
    End With
    If regEx.test(NP) Then
        Select Case x
            Case 1 'NAMES
                DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$1")
            Case 2 'last names
                DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$2")
        End Select
        DissectNP = "Not matched"
    End If
End Function

Function NB_MotsMmFirstM(phrase As String, x As Byte, Optional longueur As Byte = 0) As Integer
'Returns the number of words, in UPPERCASE or lowercase or starting with a UPPERCASE followed by lowercase, of a sentence
'- phrase : the string of characters studied
'- x: si = 1 --> words in CAPITALS
'      si = 2 --> words in lowercases
'      si = 3 --> words starting with a CAPITAL followed by lowercases
'- longueur: optional: "0" by default ---> the function then returns the sum of the lengths of all the words
'                      if longueur = 1 ---> sum of the lengths of all the searched words (without spaces)
'                      if longueur = 2 ---> sum of the lengths of all the searched words (with spaces)

Dim tmp, nbmots As Integer, mot() As String, i As Integer, lemot As String, n As Byte, nbmm As Integer
Dim longword As Byte, longallwords As Byte

    tmp = Split(phrase, " ")
    nbmots = UBound(tmp) + 1 'total number of words (whatever they are) in the sentence
    mot = Split(phrase)
    For i = 1 To nbmots
        lemot = mot(i - 1) 'Option Base 0
        Select Case x
            Case 1 'words in CAPITALS
                n = IIf(UCase(lemot) = lemot, 1, 0)
                longword = IIf(UCase(lemot) = lemot, Len(lemot), 0)
            Case 2 'words in lowercases
                n = IIf(LCase(lemot) = lemot, 1, 0)
                longword = IIf(LCase(lemot) = lemot, Len(lemot), 0)
            Case 3 'words starting with a CAPITAL followed by lowercases
                n = IIf(Left(lemot, 1) = UCase(Left(lemot, 1)) And Mid(lemot, 2, 1) = LCase(Mid(lemot, 2, 1)), 1, 0)
                longword = IIf(Left(lemot, 1) = UCase(Left(lemot, 1)) And Mid(lemot, 2, 1) = LCase(Mid(lemot, 2, 1)), Len(lemot), 0)
        End Select
        nbmm = nbmm + n 'total number of words
        longallwords = longallwords + longword 'sum of the lengths of all the words
    NB_MotsMmFirstM = IIf(longueur = 0, nbmm, IIf(longueur = 1, longallwords, longallwords + nbmm - 1))
End Function
Upvote 0
Here's another approach. This also handles apostrophes and hyphens in the last names, as shown by the examples in the test routine.
Public Sub Test()

    Dim nameString As String, parsed As String
    nameString = "CARRERA Mónica Pitaluga Diabólica"
    nameString = "D'ABO-CARON Ann-Marie Mónica"
    'nameString = "ÈÉÊËÄÇÆŒÁÍÓÚÂÊÎÔÛÄËÏÜÑ Açæéèíóúâêîôûäëïöüñ"
    Debug.Print nameString
    parsed = Get_LastNames(nameString)
    Debug.Print "Last Names: " & parsed
    parsed = Get_FirstNames(nameString)
    Debug.Print "First Names: " & parsed
End Sub

Private Function Get_LastNames(allNames As String) As String

    Dim regEx As Object
    Dim nameMatches As Object, nameMatch As Object
    Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With regEx
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
    End With
    '(              Start of numbered capture group
    '[A-ZÀ-Ÿ'-]+    One or more uppercase letters or apostrophe or hyphen (including letters with an umlaut)
    ')              End of capture group
    '\s+            One or more whitespace
    regEx.Pattern = "([A-ZÀ-Ÿ'-]+)\s+"
    Set nameMatches = regEx.Execute(allNames)
    If nameMatches.Count > 0 Then
        Get_LastNames = ""
        For Each nameMatch In nameMatches
            Get_LastNames = Get_LastNames & nameMatch.SubMatches(0) & " "
        Get_LastNames = Left(Get_LastNames, Len(Get_LastNames) - 1)
        Get_LastNames = "**NOT MATCHED**"
    End If
End Function

Private Function Get_FirstNames(allNames As String)
    Dim regEx As Object
    Dim nameMatches As Object, nameMatch As Object
    Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With regEx
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
    End With
    '\s+            One or more whitespace
    '(              Start of numbered capture group
    '[A-ZÀ-Ÿ]       Exactly one uppercase letter (including letters with an umlaut)
    '[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ-]+  One or more lowercase or uppercase letters or hyphen (including letters with an umlaut)
    ')              End of capture group
    regEx.Pattern = "\s+([A-ZÀ-Ÿ][a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ-]+)"
    Set nameMatches = regEx.Execute(allNames)
    If nameMatches.Count > 0 Then
        Get_FirstNames = ""
        For Each nameMatch In nameMatches
            Get_FirstNames = Get_FirstNames & nameMatch.SubMatches(0) & " "
        Get_FirstNames = Left(Get_FirstNames, Len(Get_FirstNames) - 1)
        Get_FirstNames = "**NOT MATCHED**"
    End If
End Function
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Upvote 0
Hello John_w,

It is indeed another approach that I will look more closely.
Meanwhile, I had completed my function so that now we can put between the names other than a simple whitespace ("|!", "," * "...).
I also simplified the "Patterns" by taking inspiration from your function.
Option Explicit
Dim regEx As Object 'memorization to save time in creating the object ("VBScript.RegExp") 'job75

Function DissectNP(NP As String, x As Byte, Optional sep As String = "") As String
'- NP : the string containing the NAME(s) + first name(s)
'- x : if x = 1 --> LAST NAME(s)
'      if x = 2 --> first name(s)
'- sep (optional: "" by default): the type of separator you want to put between the first names, rather than just a whitespace

Dim strPattern As String, LongueurNBNomsMaj As Integer, LongueurNBNomsFirstMaj As Integer
Dim PatternNoms As String, PatternPreNoms As String, i As Integer
Dim Tableau() As String, lindacadena As String
    Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

    LongueurNBNomsMaj = NB_MotsMmFirstM(NP, 1, 2) 'sum of the lengths of all LAST NAMES sought with the spaces between them
    LongueurNBNomsFirstMaj = NB_MotsMmFirstM(NP, 3, 2) 'sum of the lengths of all the first names sought with the spaces separating them
    PatternNoms = "([A-ZÀ-Ÿ-\s]{" & LongueurNBNomsMaj + 1 & "})" '"Pattern" of the LAST NAME
    PatternPreNoms = "([a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ-\s]{" & LongueurNBNomsFirstMaj & "})" '"Pattern" of the first names
    strPattern = PatternNoms & PatternPreNoms 'the complete "Pattern" that we will look for in the chain
    With regEx
        .Global = True
        .MultiLine = True
        .IgnoreCase = False
        .Pattern = strPattern
    End With

    If regEx.test(NP) Then 'the "pattern" is well found in the chain
        Select Case x 'first names or last name)
            Case 1 'NOMS
                DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$1") 'we substitute the string by the 1st part of "strPattern" (= "PatternNoms")
            Case 2 'Prénoms
                DissectNP = regEx.Replace(NP, "$2") 'we substitute the string by the second part of "strPattern" (= "PatternPreNoms")
                If sep <> "" Then 'first names are separated by something other than a simple whitespace (default)
                    Tableau = Split(DissectNP, " ")
                    For i = LBound(Tableau) To UBound(Tableau)
                        lindacadena = lindacadena & Tableau(i) & sep
                    DissectNP = Left(lindacadena, Len(lindacadena) - Len(sep)) 'we remove the unnecessary separator at the end of the chain
                End If
        End Select
    Else 'the pattern is not found in the chain
        DissectNP = "Not matched"
    End If
    Set regEx = Nothing
End Function

Function NB_MotsMmFirstM(phrase As String, x As Byte, Optional longueur As Byte = 0) As Integer
'Returns the number of words, in UPPERCASE or lowercase or starting with a UPPERCASE followed by lowercase, of a sentence
'- phrase : the string of characters studied
'- x: if = 1 --> words in CAPITALS
'     if = 2 --> words in lowercases
'     if = 3 --> words starting with a CAPITAL followed by lowercases
'- longueur: optional: "0" by default ---> the function then returns the sum of the lengths of all the words
'                      if longueur = 1 ---> sum of the lengths of all the searched words (without whitespaces)
'                      if longueur = 2 ---> sum of the lengths of all the searched words (with whitespaces)

Dim tmp, nbmots As Integer, mot() As String, i As Integer, lemot As String, n As Byte, nbmm As Integer
Dim longword As Byte, longallwords As Byte

    tmp = Split(phrase, " ")
    nbmots = UBound(tmp) + 1 'total number of words (whatever they are) in the sentence
    mot = Split(phrase)
    For i = 1 To nbmots
        lemot = mot(i - 1) 'Option Base 0
        Select Case x
            Case 1 'words in CAPITALS
                n = IIf(UCase(lemot) = lemot, 1, 0)
                longword = IIf(UCase(lemot) = lemot, Len(lemot), 0)
            Case 2 'words in lowercases
                n = IIf(LCase(lemot) = lemot, 1, 0)
                longword = IIf(LCase(lemot) = lemot, Len(lemot), 0)
            Case 3 'words starting with a CAPITAL followed by lowercases
                n = IIf(Left(lemot, 1) = UCase(Left(lemot, 1)) And Mid(lemot, 2, 1) = LCase(Mid(lemot, 2, 1)), 1, 0)
                longword = IIf(Left(lemot, 1) = UCase(Left(lemot, 1)) And Mid(lemot, 2, 1) = LCase(Mid(lemot, 2, 1)), Len(lemot), 0)
        End Select
        nbmm = nbmm + n 'total number of words
        longallwords = longallwords + longword 'sum of lengths of all searched words (without any whitespaces)
    NB_MotsMmFirstM = IIf(longueur = 0, nbmm, IIf(longueur = 1, longallwords, longallwords + nbmm - 1))
End Function
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