Calculate Work Days for a Farmers Market

July 01, 2022 - by

Calculate Work Days for a Farmers Market

Problem: Those new settings in NETWORKDAYS.INTL don’t help me. Our business is only open Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

Strategy: There is an alternate way to specify the third argument. Instead of specifying 1-7 or 11-17, you can specify a 7-digit text string comprised of 1’s and 0’s. The first character in the text is Monday. The seventh character is Sunday. Remember the name of this argument is [weekend]. Thus, a 1 indicates that the business is closed and a 0 indicates that the business is open.

The Weekend argument for NETWORKDAYS.INTL and WORKDAY.INTL can be a 7-digit binary string where 1 means weekend and 0 means open. For example, 0101001 means the market is closed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Figure 550. Use the “0010001” argument for Barber Shops.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Thomas Le on Unsplash