Excel 2020: Change What Drives You Crazy About Excel

May 18, 2020 - by

Change What Drives You Crazy About Excel. Photo Credit: Mikail Duran at Unsplash.com

I‘ve managed to lobby the Excel team to get a few changes into Excel. It isn‘t always easy. It took me eight years of lobbying to get the Repeat All Item Labels feature added to Excel 2010. It took seven years to get the Pivot Table Defaults feature added.

But there is a new feedback mechanism that makes it possible for anyone to potentially get a favorite feature added to Excel. If you have a great idea of what would make Excel easier, write up a short post at https://Excel.UserVoice.com

Title Photo: Mikail Duran at Unsplash.com

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2020 - Seeing Excel Clearly.