Move Columns Using Insert Cut Cells

September 19, 2023 - by

Move Columns Using Insert Cut Cells

Problem: I need to rearrange two columns. The left-to-right sort trick described in “Move Columns by Sorting Left to Right” seems overly complex.

Strategy: There is a fast way to move a couple of columns. You select the entire column to be moved and use Cut. Then you right-click on the column to the right of where the data should go and choose Insert Cut Cells.

Below, you want to move column B before column A. This will require four clicks. Follow these steps:

  • 1. Right-click the B column label. Choose Cut from the context menu.

Right-click on B and choose Cut
Figure 1327. Right-click the column and cut.

  • 2. Right-click the A column label. Choose Insert Cut Cells.

Right-click on A and choose Insert Cut Cells.
Figure 1328. Cut B and insert cut cells before A.

Results: The entire column will be moved. This is an amazingly simple and fast process.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash