Use the Function Arguments Dialog with Nested Functions

January 17, 2022 - by

Use the Function Arguments Dialog with Nested Functions

Problem: Can I build an INDEX and MATCH formula using the Function Arguments dialog?

Strategy: Start building the INDEX portion of the formula in Function Arguments. When you get to the part where the MATCH needs to go, type MATCH( in the argument. Using the mouse, reach up to the formula bar and click inside the word MATCH. The Function Arguments dialog will change from INDEX to MATCH. When you are done with the MATCH function, use the mouse to click on the word INDEX in the formula bar.

While building an INDEX function, you need a MATCH function in the second argument. Type MATCH( for the row_num argument. Then, using the mouse, reach outside of the Function Arguments dialog and click inside the word MATCh in the Formula Bar. The Function Arguments will change to give you help for MATCH instead of INDEX.
Figure 277. Click on MATCH in the formula bar to switch to arguments for the MATCH function.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash