Screencast of the Week on TechSmith The Visual Lounge
Screencast of the Week - Mr. Excel
By Betsy Weber
I don't know about you, but I use Excel a couple times a month. I don't use it enough to always remember how to do everything I need to do. So, every time I use it, I waste time digging around the internet looking for tips and tricks.
I was happy to hear from Bill Jelen, also known as Mr. Excel, this week. That's him pictured to the left. He has a comprehensive website all about Excel, complete with a video podcast.
Check out his blog with all the video podcasts here.
What I like about his videos is that they're 2 minutes long and he creates them daily! I have 2 minutes to spare every day to improve my Excel skills. Also, he makes his videos for the video iPod. So, I can subscribe to his feed in iTunes and take his screencasts with me wherever I go. You can read more about subscribing to his videos here.
Thanks Bill for helping to improve my Excel skills! I appreciate it!

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