Can anyone help?

Posted by Ed Slaski on April 16, 2001 10:10 AM

I have a workbook called "Master.xls". I have information stored in columns C, D, E, & F. Column C information is stored as a different range name for each row. I also have a template set up the same as the "Master". I need to find the correct range name on the master and pull this information into the new template. If I reference the cell(i.e. C3) in column C, I can use ctrl+c/v to copy and paste each of the other cells(D, E, & F). However, if I use a range name this does not work. It pastes the same information in each column. Is there a way to convert the range name to the actual cell reference so I can use ctrl+c/v. The master is always changing(adding and deleting rows) so I need to reference range names. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Posted by Dave Hawley on April 16, 2001 6:35 PM

Hi Ed

If i have understood you you can use the Index function:


If I put this in Column A of another workbook it would return the 1st column of the named range "MyName". If I then copied it to Column B it would return the second Column of "MyName" and so on. Is this what you meant ?

OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by Ed Slaski on April 17, 2001 4:40 AM


Thanks a million!!! This works like a charm. I can't thank you enough!
