Multiconditional countif

Posted by Uttam on June 18, 2001 1:22 PM


I have the following values in the cells indicated

A2 = 10
A3 = 180
A4 onwards down the column are values which would be something like

and so on till, say, A45

I would like to enter a formula in A1 which will give a count of entries in the range A4:A45 which are greater than 10 (also in cell A2) and less than 180 (also in A3)

Can anyone suggest a formula for entering in A1?

Thank you in advance.


Posted by Mark W. on June 18, 2001 1:37 PM


This is an array formula which must be entered
using the Shift+Control+Enter key combination.
The braces, {}, are not entered by you. They're
supplied by Excel in recognition that the formula
has been appropriately entered as an array formula.

Posted by Mark W. on June 18, 2001 1:38 PM

{=SUM((A4:A45 > A2)*(A4:A45 < A3))}

This is an array formula which must be entered
using the Shift+Control+Enter key combination.
The braces, {}, are not entered by you. They're
supplied by Excel in recognition that the formula
has been appropriately entered as an array formula.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on June 18, 2001 1:40 PM

Multiconditional Count

Hi Uttam


=SUM((A4:A45>A2)*(A4:A45 < A3))

In order to array-enter a formula, hit CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER at the same time (not just enter).

If you'd like to avoid using the above array-formula, then in B4 enter:

=((A4>$A$2)+0)*((A4 < $A$3)+0) [ copy down as far as needed ]

In B3 just enter: =SUM(B4:B45) to get the count.


Posted by Uttam on June 18, 2001 1:55 PM

Hello Aladin and Mark,

Both your answers were helpful indeed.. Thank you very much.