Index/Match Function

Posted by Anthony on July 06, 2001 9:25 PM

Please take note of the following formula:=INDEX(A1:B5,MATCH(D2,A1:A5,0),2)
As I enter this array formula in cloumn E, here are the results:


123 500 654 100
456 200 393 800
654 100 123 500
393 800 456 200
123 500
123 500

The Match is focusing on Column D. How would I get column D to match up all of the #123's in column A to give me a total of 1500 in column E?

Thanks in Advance


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on July 06, 2001 9:32 PM

Hi Anthony,

Is this a new question? I'm a bit lost.



Posted by Anthony on July 06, 2001 9:45 PM

Yes and no. I followed your advice and applied all of the formulas you had provided. Also, at my request, you sent me another formula allowing me to pull out and add everything that ended in an "a" or an "r". It worked great, however, remember the column labeled Unique Codes? Well, my spreadsheet sometimes repeats those account numbers with applicable data. Therefore I might have more than one Unique Code in a list of 10,000. Because of this, in another worksheet in which I already have everything formatted, I need to apply a formula that will pull all of the data that your formulas provide in addition to those multiple Unique Codes. Am I making sense? Looking forward to hearing from you!


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on July 06, 2001 10:08 PM


I'm still confused & become curious. If the additional step that you take cannot really be avoided, post 10 rows of data you want to process in the follow up?


Posted by Anthony on July 07, 2001 7:48 PM

Do you want me to email the spreadsheet to you?
