Can someone help me with this please?

Posted by Doug on February 13, 2002 4:40 PM

I made a drop down menu for types of wood such as cherry, maple, oak and walnut for example. So when you click the drop list you can choose from a series of woods and it displays the choice in the chosen link cell. But i also need to assign a cost for each of the types so that when the wood type is selected it also plugs the price into a separate fomula that calculates the cost of cabinet doors based on 6 variables selected from drop down menus.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by DRJ on February 13, 2002 4:58 PM


VLookup should work nicely

Have all the wood choices in a hidden col lets say y and in z have the costs.

Then just put the vlookup function where you want the price to go and have it lookup the dropdown choice and look in the y:z cols for the answer.



Posted by Sam S on February 13, 2002 6:44 PM

set your price list up in a separate table and name the table eg "prices", suppose your link cell is in "C2" you would use the following formula in a cell where you want the answer displayed:


This is a very simple set up, you can make it more complex if you have wholesale/distributor prices, tax excemption etc by adding more columns to your price list