date teaser

Posted by jimbo on July 04, 2000 3:43 PM

could you give me a little advice please
is there a funtion that will calclate a date,say 24, 36,or 48 months from the first date, for example PURCHASE DATE* LOAN TERM, what I am tryiong to do is prepare a table (for access) that I can quickly look up and using Now() see exactly how many payments have to be made on 'X'



Posted by Tim Francis-Wright on July 05, 0100 6:48 AM

The Analysis Tool Pak has a function to do this:
EDATE(A1,B1). If A1 is 7/31/2000 and B1 is 2,
for example, it will yield 9/30/2000. The function mads wrote would yield 10/1/2000.

Posted by mads on July 05, 0100 7:26 AM

You're right. I didn't know that. Thanks!

Posted by jimbo on July 05, 0100 12:09 PM

Tim and Mads
Thank you very much

Posted by mads on July 04, 0100 9:59 PM

I'm not sure what you want, but if you just want to increase a date by a given numbers of months, then the following formula will do it. The date is in A1 and the no. of months to add is in B1.

