Excel 97 currency formatting

Posted by Ken Thompson on November 05, 2000 7:33 AM

Can you help with a formatting problem in excel 97?
In cell C9, there is a service charge of 9 dollars.
In cell D9, there is a payment of 7 dollars.
In cell E9, their is a formula,
=If(C9>d9,"Balance Due"&C9-D9) shows the result,
Balance Due 2. I would prefer to see Balance Due $2.00.
I tried formatting with currency and custom.
Can you help? thank you, ken thompson

Posted by Ivan Moala on November 05, 2000 2:54 PM

Ken try;
=IF(C9>D9,"Balance Due "&DOLLAR(C9-D9))

Note an extra space after Due. What happens if
the balance due is not > D9 ?? your formula will
return False?


Posted by John Latasa on November 05, 2000 7:05 PM

Ken, this slight modification of Ivan's formula will
return a blank cell, rather than a "False"
=IF(C18>D18,("Balance Due "&DOLLAR(C18-D18)),"")

Posted by Ken Thompson on November 06, 2000 6:11 PM

Thank You Ivan,
the entire formula I was using is =if(D28<C28,"Balance Due"&" "&C28-D28&".00",if(D28>C28,"Credit Due"&" "&D28-C28&".00")).
This formula does not work with amounts other than a whole dollar.
Now that you showed me the correct method, I can show either Balance or Credit with parts of a dollar properly.
thank you for your help Ivan,
ken thompson