"Use Relative References" in Excel 2000

Posted by Taylor Sutherland on February 19, 2001 7:52 PM

This may seem silly, but I cannot find the "use relative
references" menu option in Excel 2000 for VB macros.

The help said it was under Tools/ Record Macro/ Use Relative
References, but "there ain't no such beastie" that I can

Any help would be appreciated.

Posted by Dave Hawley on February 19, 2001 8:37 PM

Hi Taylor

"They" lied! The relative button is actually on the "Stop Recording" button. This should show as a floating toolbar when you start recording. If it doesn't then you can stop recording by going to Tools>macro>Stop Recording. But this will only be there if you are recording.

To ensure it does show when recording go to View>Toolbars>Customize and select "Stop Recording" on the "Toolbars" page. Click Close, then click the X on the "Stop Recording" Toolbar. The relative reference button is to the right of the Stop button.

Now the "Beastie" should show!

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