name = Workbooks("remedyData.xls").Sheets("Sheet3").Range("b5").Value

Posted by Keith on January 16, 2002 10:13 AM

id = Workbooks("remedyData.xls").Sheets("Sheet3").Range("c5").Value

How can I assign a varaible name to a specific cell value with opening the file in excel. I tried:

id = Workbooks("C:\remedyData.xls").Sheets("Sheet3").Range("c5").Value

I tried to add the "C:\" but VBA doesn't like it.

thank you for your help


Posted by Russell Hauf on January 16, 2002 10:16 AM

I assume you mean "withOUT" opening the file in Excel. If so, then you can try the link below.

Hope this helps,
