macro recorder

Posted by Mike Vander Vliet on October 22, 2001 10:32 AM

When I try to record a new macro the macro recorder does not open up. The marco can still be recorded, but without the recorder I cannot utilize the Relative Reference button.

Please help.


Posted by Tom Urtis on October 22, 2001 11:02 AM

Do you have the "Record New Macro" button visible on your toolbar? If not, it's a timesaver to have it always visible on your customized worksheet toolbars and the Stop Recording toolbar should automatically appear with the Relative Reference button as soon as you click the Record New Macro button as you enter recording mode.

If that does not work, try this: start recording a macro, then click on View > Toolbars from the worksheet menu, and select "Stop Recording". The stop recording toolbar will now appear. Now immediately click the Stop Recording button, then start the recording process again and you should see the Stop recording toolbar pop up with the Relative Reference button.

Any help?

Tom Urtis

Posted by Mike Vander Vliet on October 22, 2001 11:57 AM

Thank you for the help. It was very useful.