Updating external data when opening file with a macro

Posted by Ade on January 09, 2001 5:18 AM

I have a number of files which pull external data from Access databases. If I open the files normally, the query is set to pull the latest data out automatically, and works fine. However, I am trying to tie them all together by using one central file with buttons on which open the relevant files and close the central file. Everything works great except that when any of the files open, the external data does not update. Anyone know any code to make the queries run when a file opens?

Posted by Mark W. on January 09, 2001 7:45 AM

Did you try changing the external data range property
by checking "Refresh data on file open"?

Posted by Ade on January 09, 2001 7:54 AM

Yes, that's what nearly all the external data I use is set to. As I said, it works fine if I open it normally. It's just when I use a macro to open the files, they don't refresh on opening.