Adding value in a cell


New Member
Feb 11, 2019
I kindly need an IF formula that when adding 100 to the cell it increases, example when I put value in B2 cell then B3 gets increased until reaching 100. Then in B4 a message tells “reaching the range”. The message will not show until B3 reaches 100 and so.
When B3 reaches 100, it still gets increased when putting more values in B2. Now, it reached 100 and I have the message shown. So I add 40 and later 5 in B2 for B3 to become 145, until reaching 200 then the message will show again and so on 300, 400, 500, 600..etc


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When they said...
When they said you are going to "Excel at life", they meant you "will be doing Excel your whole life".
Can only be done with VBA, not formulas.

Consider this:

You enter a value in B2.
It adds B2 to B3.
How does Excel know you've when entered another value in B2 (which could be the same value as before) ?

Only way is to enter a value, press a button to add, if B3 is a multiple of 100 repeat this.
This can only be done with VBA not formulas.

And you've asked for a formula to do this.
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Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address <> "$B$2" Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
[B3] = [B3] + [B2]
If [B3] Mod 100 < [B2] Then [B4] = "reaching the range"
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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