golf league schedule 20 teams of 40 players


New Member
Mar 17, 2019
new to mrexcel but would like some help putting together a golf league scheduler for a 40 player / 20 team league. 18 total weeks. am new to formulas in excel and a general beginner but use excel daily but not to its full potential. want to learn more. thanks.

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HI berbs,

Welcome to the MrExcel Forum.

The best way to learn and get some help would be to begin how you did, by explaining the problem. Now lay out how you envision this schedule to look, and what it would do. After you have that in your mind, how might you get there.

With that, you could get some help and feedback from the other Forum readers as now they know what you are trying to accomplish. It will also help you to help yourself.
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Sub PickTeams1()
    Dim InA As Variant
    Dim OutA As Variant
    Dim r As Double
    Dim n As Long
    Dim rw As Long
    Dim col As Long
    With Cells(3, 1)
    InA = Range(.Cells, Cells(Rows.Count, .Column).End(xlUp)).Value
    End With
    ReDim OutA(1 To 2, 1 To UBound(InA, 1) \ 2)
    For n = UBound(InA, 1) To 1 Step -1
        r = Int(Rnd() * n + 1)
        rw = 1 + (1 And rw)
        col = col + (1 And rw)
        OutA(rw, col) = InA(r, 1)
        InA(r, 1) = InA(n, 1)
    Range("D3").Resize(2, UBound(OutA, 2)) = OutA
End Sub

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HI berbs,

Welcome to the MrExcel Forum.

The best way to learn and get some help would be to begin how you did, by explaining the problem. Now lay out how you envision this schedule to look, and what it would do. After you have that in your mind, how might you get there.

With that, you could get some help and feedback from the other Forum readers as now they know what you are trying to accomplish. It will also help you to help yourself.

Thank you for your help.
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Happy to help. Try to think of what you want your end product to look like and then try to kind of "Reverse Engineer" that...

Thanks for the feedback.

Let us know what you come up with...
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Happy to help. Try to think of what you want your end product to look like and then try to kind of "Reverse Engineer" that...

Thanks for the feedback.

Let us know what you come up with...

Ok. I have all my weeks of league and the teams playing whom ex: team 19 v team 2 for example. i have my players per team listed. don't want to type all the names per week, per match for 18 weeks. i have been trying to search youtube for what formulas to use to populate the team player names into the "team name" cell for each week. vlookup?? i don't know formulas well at all. i am rather good at excel but i feel i am using only 1% of its capability per se. does this make sense?

tried taking a screen shot to show you and I couldn't even get that right. how my doing?
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Can you show me how you have your data set up. Such as what are your headers going across your sheet and what is the range (ex: "A1:N1"). Are the players going down a column, and where are the teams located. I can't see your sheet, so the more information you supply the better. You could also share a sample on one of the many available sites as has already been done in this thread.
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