Zack Barresse

Zack Barresse

Zack started using Excel in December 2003, and he quickly fell in love and had a strong desire to learn more. He has contributing to the online community since 2004, and he has been awarded the Microsoft MVP award every year since his first one in October 2005. For 15 years he served in emergency services, holding positions of volunteer and career firefighter, as well as working in EMS and HazMat and as a vehicle/machinery rescue technician.

Zack is a full-time consultant, focusing on Excel and related technologies, where he can make people’s lives easier and more automated—ranging from custom templates created for Microsoft, to custom-built solutions for mom-and-pop outfits, or solutions for some of the world’s largest corporations. He has been a technical editor for The Missing Manual series of Excel books (O’Reilly Publishing) for the 2007, 2010, and 2013 editions.

In any downtime, Zack can usually be found playing Xbox, fulfilling his love of movies on the big screen, or helping people on various help forums. He lives in Oregon with his family.

Products authored or co-authored by Zack Barresse